Fillengeras Goes to Albay

Dodong Tries to Explode the Dynamite
August 13, 2021
Success is not Only Measured with how Many Battles you’ve Won
August 22, 2021

Fillengeras Goes to Albay

When you think of Bicol, one distinct destination that pops into your mind of course is the majestic Mayon Volcano in Albay. The Fillengeras had a chance to visit this famous volcano.

With the aid of one famous navigator app, we’d estimated the travel time to reach the place, that is 8 hours! But don’t disregard the superpower of Enday in driving, well, we’re there in about 1 hour earlier than what this navigator app had predicted.

Considering this as a long drive, then we have to wake up early and leave before the break of dawn. It’s just an exaggeration. After preparing our personal things and checking the car’s break, tires and lights, we visited our most trusted gasoline station for refueling.

And off to go! What we have queued in our Spotify playlists include 90’s pop, 90’s boyband, 90’s OPM, and somewhere in between, with somewhat a total playtime of relatively 8 hours.

We had our first stopover in Jollibee Atimonan. As a first timer in that fast food, we enjoyed our meals. We situated ourselves in an area where we can have the morning sunlight. As we munch what’s on our plate, we observed the come and go of other guests. I then assumed that the place is strategically placed especially for those who are travelling to and from Quezon and Bicol.

Stopover in Jollibee Atimonan, Quezon

While we were traversing the seaside, we could not help but have another stop because of the scenery, as the millennials say is “Instagram-worthy”. And how could we forget, this may be the place where Dodong lost his precious reading glasses.

Heading from one town to another, there were series of long and winding roads, during that time, a series of road constructions, some were wide and some even wider, there were busy roads and others were remote and creepy. To sum it all, after multiple times of rerouting as suggested by the navigation app, it was really a very long ride but we could still recall the big soy sauce advertisement somewhere along the rice field.

There we were, we have reached Bicol! It was our first time! Upon reaching Daraga, we could not help but marvel how majestic Mayon Volcano is!

Fortunately, it was an off season, we’re able to secure an accommodation within the area.

It was a full and fun-packed day for the Fillengeras. We had a grand time exploring every angle of the famous Cagsawa Ruins.

We challenged ourselves with the chilly ice cream.

As others say, you must not leave Albay without experiencing all-terrain vehicle (ATV). We braved all the rocky and bumpy trails from start to finish with all the shouts and shrieks.

During the night, we enjoyed the serenity of the place at the pool side.

Morning came and we were still mesmerized by the scenic beauty of Mayon. Then we have to pack our things.


We visited Albay Park and Wildlife in Legaspi where we still had a great time enjoying nature.

We pay a visit at Daraga Church to give thanks for all the blessing and guidance for the safe travel. We concluded our trip by having full meal in the Red Labuyo Restaurant.

Our Albay journey is over. As we headed back home, a strong typhoon was brewing in Bicol. All trip long, we had been followed by downpour. Thank goodness, we arrived safely. Given a chance, we still want to have another Bicol visit!

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